Update 4


Well it’s been about a month since I’ve blogged last. I really am bad at this!  The past month has been crazy for me–I’ve been going through an insane amount of transitions, starting a new job, living in a new city, and simply trying to find my place and my peace in all of those areas. The transitions seem to be waring off some–I don’t feel as overwhelmed as I did a few weeks ago, and life is starting to feel more normal here. Each day I go to work I start to feel that much more comfortable with what is required of me and with my work environment.  Working 40 hours a week still makes for a long week, plus other activities, going to the gym, appointments, and community building. I am one busy girl! Busy is good though, especially for me. Though I’ve often complained about it over the years, I find that I do better work and live a more fulfilling life when I am busy–especially doing things I love =). I haven’t gotten to the point where I love what I’m doing yet as a YAV, but I certainly am starting to like it–which is a really good feeling. Gaila, one of my housemates, told me the other day that her first 6 months last year in the AYAVA house were really rough, but now she couldn’t be more thrilled to be doing it a second year because life got so much better and she really came to love it! So that gives me great hope for the year to come =). Life isn’t always easy, and I know this year will be (and hasn’t been) any different, but I know that this is where I’m meant to be. I’m learning a lot already and know that God has big plans for my growth this year. I’m excited to see where God takes me =).

One response »

  1. Great to hear about your adventures Sarah! Keep up the great work! I admire your blog and wish I had enough discipline to do one, but at least I get pics up on Facebook once in a while. 🙂 This will be a great reflective tool too, as you continue to grow. I am SO proud of you and of all the wonderful things you are doing to change the world for the better. Sending you peace and positive energy always!

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